Do you offer free shipping?

Any orders over $150 ship for $5.

After placing an order how long will it take for my order to ship?

We do our best to ship all orders within 24 hours of the order being processed. There are some exceptions such as holidays and orders placed on Saturday, those will be shipped out the next business day, which is typically Monday, but could be Tuesdays depending.

Inclement weather can also cause delays, but we will do our best to abide by the 24 hour rule.

Do you ship cases?

Yes, if an item is listed as a case, it will be shipped sealed. Sealed cases will be placed inside another box or wrapped before shipping.

Do you buy collections?

Yes, if you have a collection you are looking to sell please send an email to jinnkotcg@gmail.com. We will review your collection online before saying yes or no to buying.

Do you have a physical shop we can visit?

As of now, we currently only operate online. But never say never!

My package says delivered but I have not received it.

Unfortunately, if a package shows delivered successfully we will not issue a refund. Please contact the carrier of the package and if we can help in anyway, we absolutely will. 

What are your social media accounts?
We are on X and Instagram, the links can be found on the bottom of our home page.

All you have is Pokemon, are you going to offer other products?
Currently our only stock is of Pokemon products, as we grow as a business we plan on offering a variety of TCGs and collectibles. 

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